- The average lifespan of an olive tree is 300-600 years. But there are cases of them living much longer, like below..
- The oldest certified olive tree is more than 2000 years old! It lives in Greece and still bears fruit.
- The olive tree ranges in height from 3 to 10 meters and has numerous branches full of silvery-green feather-like leaves.
- It’s protected by the Law. In Ancient Greece, a person could be fined for digging up too many olive trees, even on their own land.
- It thrives in Arizona. The trees need a long, hot summer and a cool, not frigid, winter – a Mediterranean climate is best. Warm, arid conditions help keep natural pests away.
- Olive tree waste provides renewable energy; when burned it produces 2.5 times the heat of burning wood, and the smoke is harmless. Its ash is used for fertilizing gardens.
- The wood of an olive tree is resistant to decay.
- The olive tree is WONDROUS. It provides a tasty fruit for consumption after it’s cured. It gives us an incredibly healthful oil that can be used for cooking, skincare, lighting and spiritual purposes. And, it grows a powerful leaf that’s used in medicinal teas and extracts.
- The olive branch has long been regarded as a symbol for peace. It appears on the national flags of seven nations, four US states and the flag of the United Nations.